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Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter

About us

The Southwest Ohio Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is a professional organization for fraud examiners as well as other business professionals and students. The chapter’s primary purpose is to serve the community through the promotion of improved fraud detection and deterrence, to provide training events that expand the knowledge of its members, and to foster opportunities for its members to interact and network. 

The chapter promotes its core values of Professionalism, Integrity, Collaboration, and Knowledge

The chapter conducts regular meetings, bringing in expert speakers on a variety of topics and providing attendees with an opportunity to obtain continuing professional education credits (CPEs).

We welcome non-members to attend our events!  See our Events page for upcoming chapter events and for links to events being held in partnership with other ACFE chapters. 

Questions?  Email us at swohacfe@gmail.com

Chapter Officers

President - Amanda Malusky Krauss

Vice President - Robert Bell

Secretary - Stephanie Murkey-Adams

Treasurer - Mike Joyce

Webmaster - Kaidey Wheaton

Board Members:

  • M. Kathryn Greene
  • Casey Kramer
  • Kristin Ostrowski
  • Candace Padgett
  • Pierre Rivolta


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