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Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter


  • Friday, January 31, 2025 11:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This past weekend, our chapter volunteered at the Greater Cincinnati Regional High School Ethics Bowl. This event was held by the Cincinnati Ethics Center and the University of Cincinnati. 34 teams from 19 high schools in the Southwest Ohio region analyzed and discussed complex ethics cases. The event differed from a speech and debate competition in that teams were not tasked with presenting and defending opposing views; rather, they chose an ethical position on an issue, presented their position in a logical manner, and responded to questions and constructive criticism from the other team and the judges.

    Representatives of our chapter – leadership, members, and attendees – assisted at the event by serving as judges and room assistants. While the cases ventured outside of our normal fraud topics, contemplating and encouraging ethics is always relevant to our work as CFEs, and it was exciting to see area high schoolers – the future leaders of our area – embracing ethical discussions. 

    We were honored to have been a part of this event that facilitated respectful and rigorous discussions. Congratulations to all of the teams for participating, and good luck to the winners as they proceed to the next round of competition!

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024 1:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Chapter Members Get Discounted Rates to Events!

    Join or Renew Today!

    As the time for membership renewal approaches, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the numerous benefits that come with being involved with the Southwest Ohio Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Chapter #46.  

    Here are 5 benefits of being involved with our chapter: 

    And FYI - you don’t need to be a member to enjoy these perks, but members do get discounted pricing on events!

    1. Networking Opportunities & Mentorship

    The Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter provides numerous opportunities to connect in person with local professionals, business leaders, and students. This platform allows you to share experiences, discuss challenges, and build relationships for future collaborations and career opportunities. Our support network is essential for navigating the complexities of fraud examination and achieving your career goals.

    2. Stay Informed

    The field of fraud examination is constantly evolving. Staying current with the latest trends, techniques, and regulations in fraud examination is crucial. The Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter meetings feature expert speakers, helping ensure you stay informed about the latest developments, emerging threats, and best practices.

    3. Continuing Education

    Not only are the Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter meetings interesting and full of valuable insights, but they also provide continuing education credits. Our chapter’s credits are valid with the ACFE as well as the Accountancy Board of Ohio. Not in the Southwest Ohio area? Most of our meetings give you the option to attend over Zoom!

    4. Career Advancement

    The knowledge and connections gained from being involved with the Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter can open doors to new career opportunities. Whether you’re looking to advance within your current organization or explore new paths, the insights and relationships you build can be invaluable.

    5. Discounts on Chapter Meetings and Events

    Not a Certified Fraud Examiner? No worries! Our Certified Member level is for CFEs and is $20 per year. Our Associate Member level is for non-CFEs and is $25 per year. Both levels allow you to enjoy discounts on our monthly meetings and events. Are you a student? Check out our free student membership!

    Check out our Upcoming Events and Renew or Start Your Membership Today!

  • Monday, December 04, 2023 8:18 AM | Anonymous member


    Click an image above to view the proclamation.

    Southwest Ohio ACFE was recognized by two cities in Southwest Ohio for International Fraud Awareness Week! 

    We're grateful for the support that we receive from our members in anti-fraud roles in both the public and private sectors. Thank you for making 2023 an amazing year for our Chapter!

    Southwest Ohio ACFE Leadership Team

  • Wednesday, November 22, 2023 1:01 PM | Anonymous

    The leadership team wants to thank you for attending and supporting the successful 5th Annual Dayton Fraud, Cyber & Ethics Conference.  The chapter is the primary planner and sponsor of this annual event, and we are pleased to say that this was our most well-attended conference yet.  That record attendance was comprised of people from 20 different states as well as 2 other countries.  We appreciate the preparation and thoughtfulness each of the speakers put into their presentations.  The content was excellent and insightful.  Feedback thus far has included statements such as the conference was "one of the best I've attended!" to "your conference content is spectacular!"  

    We are grateful for our chapter members and event attendees.  Thank you for your support of this event, and for being a part of our chapter.  We hope to see you online for our December meeting. 

  • Friday, September 08, 2023 10:48 PM | Anonymous

    With the start of our meeting season, our membership cycle is also starting. 

    If you renew chapter membership (or become a member) by September 30th and also take a moment to visit your profile and ensure that all required fields are input, you will receive a notebook produced in commemoration of being awarded 2023 ACFE Chapter of the Year (Small Market).  

    Membership costs remain low.  Thanks for being part of the chapter!

  • Thursday, June 22, 2023 8:00 AM | Anonymous member

    At its recent Global Fraud Conference, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) presented the annual Chapter of the Year Award (Small Market) to the Southwest Ohio Chapter of the ACFE.

    The ACFE is the world's largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud training and education. The ACFE has more than 90,000 members located in almost every country in the world. These members primarily consist of Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs), which is the ACFE’s highest credential. CFEs are trained professionals who possess a unique set of diverse skills in preventing, detecting, and investigating fraud. The ACFE and its members reduce business fraud worldwide and inspire public confidence in the integrity and objectivity of the profession.

    The Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter, founded in 1993, is one of 196 ACFE global chapters. The chapter provides regular meetings and networking opportunities to CFEs, as well as to other business professionals and university students. Many of the chapter’s attendees have careers which involve preventing, detecting, or deterring fraud. Attendees include investigators, law enforcement officers, forensic accountants, certified public accountants, auditors, security professionals, and more. The chapter promotes its core values of Professionalism, Integrity, Collaboration, and Knowledge.

    The ACFE presents the Chapter of the Year Award to the chapter that has excelled in growing and serving its membership during the year. The award is a global award, and the Southwest Ohio Chapter won as the ACFE’s small market chapter of the year, competing with chapters around the world.

    During 2022, the Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter advanced its mission of serving the community by promoting improved fraud detection and deterrence, providing training events to expand the knowledge of members, and fostering opportunities for members to interact and network. The Southwest Ohio ACFE Chapter was named chapter of the year based on numerous achievements, including:

    • The chapter’s service to its membership and the community by providing consistent, high-quality, low-cost, accessible continuing professional education events. In its last fiscal year, the chapter hosted eight training events, which included the 8-hour Dayton Fraud, Cyber & Ethics conference. The chapter has made its CPE meetings widely available, offering them in-person and virtually.
    • The chapter has grown its membership by more than one hundred percent in five years, and by twenty-one percent just in the last year. The chapter attributes its growth to its excellent content, as well as the availability of this content over virtual platforms. While the chapter is based in Southwest Ohio, in recent years, attendees from all over the country and even the world have participated in virtual events.
    • The chapter’s service to the community is reflected in its efforts to promote the CFE credential to the next generation of fraud fighters by promoting and offering meetings free of charge for students of criminal justice, law, or business and through its financial support of the ACFE Foundation.

    To learn more about the Southwest Ohio ACFE chapter, subscribe to the newsletter, or attend events, please visit https://swohacfe.org/. Anyone in a business profession or who is interested in learning more about fraud prevention and detection is welcome to attend meetings.

  • Tuesday, March 21, 2023 2:44 PM | Anonymous

    Your leadership team exercised its best creative energy and designed the April meeting around bourbon fraud!  Our speaker is an expert on the topic - so much so that he's written a book about it.  The chapter is subsidizing the majority of the cost of the event and we hope you'll attend to enjoy food, networking, and a fun 1-CPE session!   April 2023 In-Person Meet & Greet: Pappygate, Fakes, and Whiskey Frauds: The Murky Underworld of the Bourbon Boom

  • Saturday, August 13, 2022 12:51 PM | Anonymous

    We are excited to reveal a challenge coin for our chapter.  If you attend the September or October meeting in person and renew your membership before the meeting, you will receive one for free.  Click here to order one today!

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